
Been through a lot but that doesn't stop me from hoping, dreaming, loving & living. Still quests for wisdom, still thirts for knowledge, still believes that the best things are yet to come. Concerned with pushing boundaries of self-discovery. Execises power through emotion, instinct, intellect & love. Not a natural socializer but keeps friendship in an entire lifetime. Dominating but can accept some restrictions in order to win in the end. A power house of pride & self-will. Passive-aggressive.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Letting Go

I know that the only thing I lose when I let go of something I am afraid to live without is the fear itself. I am stronger than anything that frightens me.

I let go of the past, and I’m free to think clearly and positively in the present. I am not my past.

Letting go is the natural release which always follows the realization that holding on is an energy that drains and it hurts. Letting go happens effortlessly when there is no other choice. Letting does not mean giving up.

Letting go is a journey that never ends. Never. It only begins — over & over again — each time I can glimpse of something higher than my own painful certainty over who think I am. There is always something higher beyond the limits of my present sight.

Let go of the past. The past is yesterday. It is irretrievable. When you relate to the past, you relate to nothing. You are literally talking to yourself. No one else is listening. You have already heard all you can hear about that, so let go….


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