
Been through a lot but that doesn't stop me from hoping, dreaming, loving & living. Still quests for wisdom, still thirts for knowledge, still believes that the best things are yet to come. Concerned with pushing boundaries of self-discovery. Execises power through emotion, instinct, intellect & love. Not a natural socializer but keeps friendship in an entire lifetime. Dominating but can accept some restrictions in order to win in the end. A power house of pride & self-will. Passive-aggressive.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Don't Let Your Baloon Pop!

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s okay to be "not fine."

When people ask me how I’m doing lately, I don’t rattle off a list of complaints and observations, sad feelings and grievances - as a matter of fact, I just might say, "I’m okay."

However, I admit that within myself things are NOT fine and try to work through the feelings that creates.

I don’t need to share with others all of the time.

It’s good to vent to a friend and I don’t discount that.

But, I’ve learned that I’d better vent with myself and acknowledge my feelings or I, like a balloon with too much air, will POP.

Embrace the good and the not so good in your life.

Don’t run from it or try to bury it.

By doing this; by saying to myself that I am NOT fine right now, I can work through my feelings more easily.

How do I do it?

It’s taken me a while to figure it out and I don’t have all the answers.

But, ’self allowance’ is very important.

I’m not advocating DWELLING in your problems.

I’m suggesting that you allow yourself to FEEL.

The world isn’t always sunshine and smiles and if you try to force yourself into that very high, unrealistic expectation, you’ll eventually POP!

I’ve done it, so I know.

You’ve got to let some air out of your balloon.

Give the air to God.

So, I acknowledge and embrace these parts of myself right now.

I allow myself to feel hurt and cry.

I turn to God for help and guidance and I ask for more strength.

There ar times I am not OKAY.

It hurts, and it hurts a lot.

I cannot always be the pillar of strength I have expected myself to be.

I lose it sometimes and I am finally saying to myself that it’s okay to do that.

I ask God to help me.

I need His strength so that I can be strong.

If I don’t, my balloon will pop.

I can’t always ‘be there’ without replenishing my resources.

I don’t have unlimited strength.

I need time alone to embrace myself and my needs.

I have to re-charge my batteries so that I CAN be there for others.

I cannot do it alone.

I am not meant to be the ‘Energizer Bunny’ because I am human.

I won’t settle for that anymore.

I can’t save the world, but I can do my part.

"Help carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 GNB) }

That’s letting air out of my balloon, too.

I’ve learned that when life gets too heavy, it doesn’t mean you’re WEAK if you admit it.

It took a long time for me to get there.

Tears don’t equate to weakness.

They are God’s way of allowing you to cleanse your soul.

I always had this crazy idea that if you can’t handle things, you’re weak.

That’s bologna.

That’s what God is for.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you." (1 Peter 5:7 NLT) }

So, let air out of your balloon.

Cry if you have to.

Help if you feel it’s needed but are afraid of doing it.

Voice a complaint if you have one.

Allow yourself to ‘be’.

Let yourself know that you need to recharge once in a while and accept the fact that it’s okay to let the injustices you see bother you.

More importantly, do something about them if you can.

Accept that you get tired and need to nurture yourself, too.

If you’re running around caring for others, know that it’s draining and that there’s only so much you can take before your balloon starts to fill too much.

Don’t punish yourself for needing rest.


Let go of the guilt.

Guilt fills balloons very quickly.

If a balloon has the right amount of air in it, it’s beautiful, light, floating, colorful and vibrant.

Just like you…

~~ Author Unknown ~~


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