
Been through a lot but that doesn't stop me from hoping, dreaming, loving & living. Still quests for wisdom, still thirts for knowledge, still believes that the best things are yet to come. Concerned with pushing boundaries of self-discovery. Execises power through emotion, instinct, intellect & love. Not a natural socializer but keeps friendship in an entire lifetime. Dominating but can accept some restrictions in order to win in the end. A power house of pride & self-will. Passive-aggressive.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Which Kind Are You?

Just a thought:

There are three kinds of givers -- the flint, the sponge and the honeycomb.

To get anything out of a flint you must hammer it. And then you get only chips and sparks.

To get water out of a sponge you must squeeze it, and the more you use pressure, the more you will get.

But the honeycomb just overflows with its own sweetness.

Which kind of giver are you?


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