
Been through a lot but that doesn't stop me from hoping, dreaming, loving & living. Still quests for wisdom, still thirts for knowledge, still believes that the best things are yet to come. Concerned with pushing boundaries of self-discovery. Execises power through emotion, instinct, intellect & love. Not a natural socializer but keeps friendship in an entire lifetime. Dominating but can accept some restrictions in order to win in the end. A power house of pride & self-will. Passive-aggressive.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Random Quizzes

1. What will your obituary say?
Rampagingly (King Kong style), Peachy died laughing hysterically. Peachy will be terribly missed by a damp sponge nicknamed Leaky.

2. How will you be defined in the dictionary?
Peachy {adjective} - visually addictive

3. What will your epitaph say?
Peachy: Remember me as I was. A trekkie.

4. Your psychiatric evaluation:
Public Behavior: Passable
Individual behavior: Passable
Group Interaction: Extremely Insane
Online Behavior: Extremely Insane

5. How emo are you?
You are 72% emo. You are pretty Emo. You like the music, styles and way of life but it doesn’t really control your life. There is more to you than just another cute Emo face.

6. What is important in your life?
Health is most important in your life. Having a high focus on health indicates that you are very health-conscious and you realize that if you don't have your health, you have nothing. You are devoted to living healthy.

7. What is your darkest secret?
You stole a homeless person's gloves.

8. What effect do you have on people?
Peachy Pills: Will increase ability to find Waldo (who the hell Waldo is?)

9. Why would you travel back in time?
Peachy's Reason for Travelling Back in Time: To be the one to discover the telephone - take that Alexander Grahambell

10. Which decade should you have grown up in?
You should have grown up during the twenties. You are cool, sophisticated and hip – even by today’s standards. You like things before they are considered cool, and you like them long afterwards.

11. What happened to you as a child?
As a tried to pick up a slice of bacon right out of the pan.
How did it mess you up? You say "that's hot" more than three times a day.

12. What is you new nickname?

13. What pisses you off?

14. Why are you going to hell?
Because you like to wear trenchcoats with nothing underneath.

15. What will you WANTED poster say?
Wanted: Peachy
FOR: Selling your soul on an auction site.
REWARD: One Million Dollar

16. What will be the movie of your life be called?
Peachy: A Tale of Perversity and Woe
Director: Frances Coppola

17. How are you going to die?
Death through extreme sports
You are going to die in an extreme sports accident. You like to live life fast and hard. What’s the point if you don’t? Live fast, Die young, Leave a good looking corpse. Right?

18. What will you go to jail for?
Jaywalking beside a police station.

** I actually enjoyed it. BTW, all items our courtesy of Quiz Galaxy **


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