
Been through a lot but that doesn't stop me from hoping, dreaming, loving & living. Still quests for wisdom, still thirts for knowledge, still believes that the best things are yet to come. Concerned with pushing boundaries of self-discovery. Execises power through emotion, instinct, intellect & love. Not a natural socializer but keeps friendship in an entire lifetime. Dominating but can accept some restrictions in order to win in the end. A power house of pride & self-will. Passive-aggressive.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Gifts & Happy Holidays!

Whew, haven't been here for years. Before I knew it, it's 2007.

But before that, got no work for 12 days consecutively, how bout that, wohoo!

When I was a kid, holidays is all about the excitement and the tree and the presents and trying to stay up to catch Santa in the act, and waking up far too early for your parents' comfort

With regards to Christmas and getting presents, thanks for all those gifts I received from friends & workmates.

Yeah, it's the thought that really counts.

Excelsior Spa & Let's Face It GC's.

Egg bag, celfone pouch & belt.

Desktop calculator, body shop body butter & Jessica Zafra's Twisted 7 book, foodies, pens & cash.

Personalized magnet holder, funky earrings, jasmine & amber incense sticks.

But all those are just material things.

Why not for this season, hold up a candle to everyone, with the warm scent wafting and you'll say invitingly & cozily, "Happy Holidays!"


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